Where your experience becomes your business.

bhobart's blog

Picture Yourself Performing Independent Consultant Jobs

The Truth About Business Consultant Jobs in the 21st Century

The Truth About Business Consultant Jobs in the 21st CenturyWhat do you think of when you think of business consultant jobs? If you're like me, you might not have the best impression of consulting and the jobs available in the field.

Five Consulting Opportunities for Today's Professional

Think Outside the Box to Find a New Career

Think Outside the Box to Find a New CareerIf you've been struggling in your quest to find a new career, it's probably due to a few common reasons. This is especially true if you've had the same career for a decade or more. You're probably doing all of the “right things” in your search based on what you learned many years ago.

How to Make a Career Change Without Missing a Beat

Five Pieces of Essential Career Change Advice

Five Pieces of Essential Career Change AdviceIn my last blog post, I talked about a couple of career change ideas that can help people who might be wondering how to step into a new career at midlife.

Are You Searching for Midlife Career Change Ideas?

Changing careers once you've reached the age of 40 can seem daunting, but it's not impossible. In fact, it's an incredibly smart move for many people who have reached the approximate midpoint of their lives. Unfortunately, a lot of mid career professionals simply aren't prepared with the proper mindset for changing careers. That's why I've come up with a couple of midlife career change ideas that can help you if you're ready to make a move.

Practical Consulting Tools for the Independent Consultant

Practical Consulting Tools for the Independent ConsultantIn my last blog post, I wrote about the personal category of consulting tools.

Personal Management Consulting Tools for the Independent Consultant

When I get asked about management consulting tools, I like to break the topic up into a couple of different categories. On one hand, you need to have tools that help you interact with others, listen to them and observe them from a unique perspective. On the other hand, you also require tools that help you work with the nuts and bolts of effective management consulting.

Different Types of Consulting – Exploring Alternatives to Larger Consulting Firms

In my most recent blog post, I described some of the differences between two types of consulting jobs. Of course, I'm a bit biased toward independent consulting, but I also see the value of larger firms. These firms have their place, and they continue to thrive because they offer solutions that make sense for the organizations that employ them. I just happen to believe that independent consulting is a better choice for most professionals because it allows them to truly innovate.